Hey what's up! This week I got a very beautiful girl in my
office. Her name is Nichole Heiress and she wants to do porn! I couldn't
believe my eyes when I saw her. Nichole’s nineteen and gorgeous. She's
a brunette with a great body a tight ass and very nice tits. I asked
Nichole why she wanted to get into the industry; she simply told me
because she likes movies. She has her own movie collection that she
masturbates to constantly. So I told her that I needed to see a
demonstration of her sexuality, to which she was quick to take off all
her clothes and show me that she meant business. Nichole fingered
herself on my desk and let me stick my finger in her ass. But then
something happened, Nichole got camera shy. I expected this would
happen; it happens a lot to the new girls. So I consoled her, and we
talked about it, and in the end she sucked my cock. It was the best
blowjob ever! So I told Nichole that she had potential to be famous; she
just has to promise to come back and fuck on camera.